Note: this page is for current monthly clients who want to switch to quarterly service and billing. If you’re new, please use this link instead. Welcome, friend. You are invited to try the beta version of our reimbursement service. Amazon has really stepped up their game when it comes to reimbursements. They are taking care of more and more without being asked, which leaves fewer losses for us to find and request for you. To reduce cost without reducing the reimbursements you receive, we’re offering our service quarterly for $89.99, the same as our current monthly price. Our team will check and request all the same reimbursements as our regular service, but they’ll do it once in each 3 month period instead of every month. This saves them work and allows us to pass the savings along to you. Since you are an existing client, you’ll have 3 months before your first quarterly payment, so cancel your existing service and sign up now for quarterly instead. Enjoy the break in payments, and before your next payment is drawn, we’ll find and request all the reimbursements for the previous 3 months. A few months later, we’ll complete the process again before your next quarterly payment. Rinse and repeat for as long as you find the service profitable! Step 1: Cancel my Monthly Service Step 2: Sign up for quarterly service instead Amazon Storefront Name: Preferred email address: